laugh at 1 . 不以为意;对…一笑置之 laugh off 或 laugh away 2 . 一笑置之:把……当作滑稽可笑的琐事而置之不理 be laughing all the way to the bank 3 . (非正式)发大财 have the last laugh 4 . 笑到最后,最后得到证明 he who laughs last laughs longest 5 . (谚)谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好 laugh one's head off 6 . 大笑,狂笑不已 laugh in someone's face 7 . 当面嘲笑 the laugh is on me (或you, him等) 8 . 我(你、他等)成了嘲笑对象 laugh like a drain 9 . (英,非正式)大声笑 a laugh a minute 10 . 非常滑稽 laugh on the other side of one's face ( 或北美 11 . 转喜为悲 laugh someone/thing out of court 12 . 因可笑而鄙视,一笑置之 laugh oneself silly (或sick) 13 . 笑个不停 laugh something to scorn 14 . (旧)嘲笑 laugh up one's sleeve 15 . 窃喜,暗笑 no laughing matter 16 . 不是玩笑事 play something for laughs 17 . (表演者,尤指场合不当)逗趣,逗笑 习惯用语 laugh up (one's) sleeve 或 laugh in (one's) sleeve 1 . 幸灾乐祸:偷偷地欣喜或高兴,如对他人的错误或失败