before one can (或 has time to) draw breath 1 . 顷刻之间,弹指之间 a breath of fresh air 2 . 少量的新鲜空气,短暂的时间内呼吸到的新鲜空气 the breath of life 3 . 生命中不可缺少的东西 catch one's breath 4 . (因惊讶或害怕而)屏息 don't hold your breath 5 . (非正式)(用于表示某事不会发生)别憋着呼吸,别期望太高 draw breath 6 . 吸气 get one's breath back 7 . 喘过气来,恢复正常呼吸 hold one's breath 8 . 屏气 in the — breath 9 . 在…时 the (或 one's) last breath 10 . 临终,濒死;死 take breath 11 . 歇口气,歇会儿透口气 take someone's breath away 12 . 使某人激动(或惊羡)得透不过气来 under (或 below) one's breath 13 . 压低嗓子,低声地 waste one's breath 14 . 徒费唇舌,白说 习惯用语 in one breath 或 in the same breath 1 . 同时,立刻:在或几乎在同时 out of breath 2 . 呼吸急促,气喘吁吁:呼吸困难,如在用尽全力时;气喘吁吁 under (one's) breath 3 . 压着嗓音,低声说:以微弱的嗓音或声音说