someone's bark is worse than their bite 1 . 嘴巴狠,心肠软 be bitten by the — bug 2 . 开始迷上,热衷于 bite the big one 3 . (北美,非正式)死去,咽气 bite the bullet 4 . 最终下定决心行动起来 bite the dust 5 . (非正式)被杀死 bite the hand that feeds one 6 . 恩将仇报 bite someone's head offbite one's lip 7 . (因尴尬、悲伤、生气或不愿开口)而紧咬着嘴唇 bite one's nails 8 . (紧张时习惯性地)咬指甲,焦躁不安 the biter bitten (或 bit) 9 . 骗人者遭骗 bite one's tongue 10 . 一言不发,死不开口 one could have bitten one's tongue off 11 . 话刚出口就懊悔不已 once bitten, twice shy 12 . (谚)一次吃亏,下次小心;一次被咬,下次胆小 put the bite on 13 . (北美,澳,非正式)向…借(或勒索)钱财 take a bite out of 14 . 大幅削减,大量扣除 bite something back 15 . 强忍着不说话(或不发声、不露感情),咽下 bite something off 16 . 中断(说话),打住(话头) 习惯用语 bite off more than one can chew 1 . 贪多嚼不烂:决定或同意做力所不能及的事 bite the bullet【俚语】 2 . 忍辱负重:勇敢冷静得地面对困境 bite the dust【俚语】 3 . 死亡:倒下死去,尤指在战争中 bite the hand that feeds (one) 4 . 忘恩负义:对别人的慷慨和善良不但不感激,反而伤害别人